Pahimis Blend in Jute/Paper bag
This fine brew has a pleasant flavor and enticing aroma. From the town of Amadeo, which started the Pahimis (or "Thanksgiving")
festival. A blend of Arabica, Robusta and Barako.
1kg Php255
500g Php150
250g Php100
Bulk order:
1kg Php240
500g Php135
250g Php85
Pahimis Blend in Foil/Plastic bag
This fine brew has a pleasant flavor and enticing aroma. From the town of Amadeo, which started the Pahimis (or "Thanksgiving")
festival. A blend of Arabica, Robusta and Barako.
1kg Php245
500g Php140
250g Php90
Bulk Order:
1kg Php240
500g Php135
250g Php85
Cavite Pure in Foil/Plastic bag
Picked from the coffee-growing province of Cavite. A blend of Barako and Arabica
1kg Php230
500g Php125
250g Php75
Bulk Order:
1kg Php225
500g Php120
250g Php70
Pure Robusta in Foil/Plastic bag
Since arabica beans are considered superior, robusta is usually limited to lower grade coffee blends as a filler. It is however
included in instant coffee, and in espresso blends to promote the formation of "crema"
Bulk Order:
1kg Php225
500g Php120
250g Php70